I love happy hour, a nice martini or two and I’m very happy.
Archive for The Silverware Disco and Bar
Even silverware guys like to look at girly magazines. It is a transpecies behavior that women will never understand.
I take some of us a little longer to settle down.
I wonder who thought it was a good idea to mix exercise with drinking, I have a hard enough time having a beer and working in the yard,let alone ave several beers and trying to run but maybe I’m a light weight.
As I’ve said before guys never learn. They’re terrified of being caught doings something wrong but as soon as they’re out of trouble it’s, lets do it again.
Guys are basically dumb when it comes to women and will get themselves in all kinds of trouble and not even know how it happened. The sad part is we never learn and would do the same thing again if we thought[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
This will not turn out good. Sooner or later your lies will catch up to you and then your only alternative is to, horror, fess up. Then you have to lie again so it seems like you had a good[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I have had friends that were so inept at talking to women it was painful to watch. You try to help them but it usually ends up bad. Eventually they find someone that suits them and they end up being[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I’ve always thought that speed dating was a stupid idea thought up by self important yuppies who were shallow enough to think a couple of minutes was all you needed to determine if  someone was worth dating. On the other[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Personally I think we should let everyone alone to sleep with whoever they want as long as they aren’t bothering anyone else.  Hell my silverware draw is filled with spoons and forks mingling and it doesn’t affect me one bit.